
Phillips, L (2012) Picturing Science: Literally a Vision! National Science Teachers Association

Phillips, L (2011) Picturing Science Website,, a website for educators to aid in integrating art, writing , science and technology.

Philips, L. (2009) Island Alphabet Series, A 14 book series of Pacific children’s paintings with translated alphabets. PREL and Bess Press

Phillips, L. (2007) Image to Word – Word to Image, Honolulu Hawaiʻi, PREL Phillips, L. Arts of the Pacific Islands: An interactive CD –ROM collection of Arts From Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia

Research into Practice (2005 PREL Compendium) Arts Education in Micronesia: Professional Development and Resources by Lori Phillips

Research into Practice (2006 PREL Compendium) Look and See: Using the Visual Environment as Access to Literacy by Lori Phillips

Phillips, L. (2004). Island Alphabet Books [10 book series in 10 Pacific languages]. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, and Bess Press.

Phillips, L (2000, July). Image to Word – Word to Image: Literally a vision. Honolulu, HI: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. (2000). Arts of the Pacific Islands: An interactive CD-Rom collection of arts from Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia. Honolulu, HI: Author.

Phillips, L. (1999). Discipline-based art education [5-part series video]. Honolulu, HI: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Pacific Resources for Education and Learning & Pacific Islander in Communications. (1999, October). Damien: Teacher resource guide. Honolulu, HI: Authors.

Crizmac Art & Cultural Education Materials, Inc. (1998). Island worlds: Art and culture in the Pacific [video recording. Tucson, AZ: Author and Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Phillips, L. (1998). Taking a Canoe to the Moon: Comprehensive Art Education for the Pacific. Honolulu, HI: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Phillips, L., Barlow, T., & Sanders, P. (1996). University of Hawaii’s Early Childhood-Visual Arts Cohort Concept. Honolulu, HI: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.